You focus on beating cancer,
we'll find you a place to stay

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A Lodging Guide for Cancer Patients

Who We Are

Joe’s House is not an actual house, but a nonprofit organization that helps cancer patients and their families find a place to stay when traveling away from home for medical treatment. 

Learn more about us.

What we Do

We list cancer treatment centers and hospitals across the country with nearby lodging facilities that offer a discount. Although Joe’s House caters to cancer patients, any patient, regardless of diagnosis may use the lodging facilities listed.

Need additional help? See our list of recommended resources.

Our Lodging Partners

Joe's House is proud to partner with the following lodging organizations. Each graciously offers discounts to patients and family members when they travel for treatment. Search our Lodging pages for specifics or check out our Partners page.


Support Joe's House

There are lots of ways to support Joe's House. Take a look at GoodShop where you can find the best deals at thousands of stores, and they will donate to your favorite charity or school when you shop! Click to get started. Or click on the DONATE button at the top of our page to donate directly. Thank you!


What’s New

Joe's House is twenty years old! Thanks to all of our participating hospitals and lodging facilities! It's been a privilege to help so many patients over the years. Our patient and healthcare professional brochures are now available to view and download from our Resources Page

Joe's House is proud to offer support to patients at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. Joe's House provides MD Anderson with a list of lodging options for the hundreds of thousands of patients that travel in from all over the world for life saving treatments. Additionally, we provide a print copy of our lodging options for those patients without Internet access.

Joe's House

Contact Us

If you are traveling to a city that we do not list please check our Partners page for information on our nation-wide discounts with over 20 hotel chains, or send us an email at